Solarlits About
Solarlits is a world-leading provider of cutting edge research on solar energy. We provide a unique platform to explore new ideas and developments on solar energy. Our purpose is to partner with researchers, educators, and industry to advance solar energy research and technologies for the benefit of humanity.
Solarlits is dedicated to the advancement of solar energy. Our mission is to promote solar energy and allied fields.
Our vision is to become the world's largest solar energy content provider.
An international journal devoted to investigations of daylighting in buildings. Journal of Daylighting is the leading journal that publishes original research on all aspects of daylighting. The aim is to present cutting edge research aimed at reducing the electric lighting energy use in buildings and improving indoor environment.
Topics covered include: Daylighting and hybrid lighting systems, Lighting and daylighting simulation, Lighting designs, Lighting metrology and light quality, Lighting control, Building physics - lighting, Building energy modeling, Energy efficient buildings, Zero-energy buildings, Indoor environment quality, Sustainable solar energy systems, Application of solar energy sources in buildings, Building-integrated photovoltaics, Solar thermal and concentrator technology
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CrossRef is the citation-linking backbone for online publications. Established in 2000 by scholarly publishers as an independent, non-profit entity, it enables researchers to navigate electronic journals, across publishers, based on open-standards technology (the Digital Object Identifier, or DOI, system).
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