Journal of Daylighting is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to investigations of daylighting in buildings. It is the leading journal that publishes original research on all aspects of Energy, buildings, and lighting. Areas of special interest for this journal include, but are not limited to, the following:
To submit a manuscript to Journal of Daylighting, please read journal guidelines for authors.
ISSN: 2383-8701
Publisher: SolarLits
Frequency: Bi-annual (2 issues/year) (articles are published continuously throughout the year)
Year started: 2014
Format: Online only
Full-text formats available: PDF, HTML
Time to Publication: 70 days
CiteScoreTM 2023: 4.0
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2023: 0.469
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2023: 0.942
Energy (miscellaneous): #36/78
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: #140/270
Scopus (Elsevier)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Architectural Periodicals Avery Index
Journal of Daylighting does not have publication fees. All accepted papers are published without any page charges.
In this journal:
Dr. Irfan Ullah, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, Hong Kong
Prof. Yuehong Su, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Umberto Berardi, Ryerson University, Canada
Prof. Barbara Szybinska Matusiak, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Dr. Manuel Arsenio Barbón Álvarez, University of Oviedo, Spain
Dr. Valerio Roberto Maria Lo Verso, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Prof. Hongfei Zheng, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Dr. Paola Sansoni, National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-INO), Italy
Prof. Francesco Asdrubali, Roma Tre University, Italy
Prof. Laura Bellia, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Dr. Lim Boon Han, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr. Susana Lagüela López, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Dr. Canan Kandilli, Usak University, Turkey
Dr. Guiqiang Li, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Dr. Ferdinando Salata, University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Antonio Manuel Peña García, University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Fabio Peron, IUAV University of Venice, Italy
Prof. Lambros T. Doulos, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Prof. Önder Güler, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Nabil Elminshawy, Port Said University, Egypt
Dr. Kacem Gairaa, Center for renewable energy development, Algeria
Dr. Alp Tural, Virginia Tech, USA
Dr. Hui Shen, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, USA
Prof. Dr. Jitka Mohelnikova, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Marina Bonomolo, University of Palermo, Italy
Dr. Lim Yaik Wah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Ahmed A. Y. Freewan, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Dr. Rizki Armanto Mangkuto, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Dr. Petar Pejic, University of Niš, Serbia
Dr. Mohammed Salah Mayhoub, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
Dr. Karam M. Al-Obaidi, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Dr. Jian Yao, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
Dr. Hui Lv, Hubei University of Technology, China
Dr. Vincenzo Costanzo, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Osama Omar, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
Dr. Francesco Nocera, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Paula M. Esquivias, University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Doris Abigail Chi Pool, University of Americas Puebla, Mexico
Dr. Feride Şener Yılmaz, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Dr. Banu Manav, Kadir Has University, Turkey
Dr. Peng XUE, Beijing University of Technology, China
Dr. Francesca Fragliasso, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Dr. Omid Nematollahi, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Dr. Seyed Morteza Hosseini, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Michele Rocca, University of Pisa, Italy
Dr. Wei Wang, Southeast University, China
Dr. Francesco Sommese, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Ms Farah
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