Volume 8 Issue 1 pp. 36-49 • doi: 10.15627/jd.2021.3
V. R. M. Lo Verso,∗,a F. Giuliani,b F. Caffaro,c F. Basile,d F. Peron,e T. Dalla Mora,e L. Bellia,f F. Fragliasso,f M. Beccali,g M. Bonomolo,h F. Nocera,i V. Costanzoi
Author affiliations
a Politecnico di Torino, Department of Energy ‘Galileo Ferraris’, TEBE Research Group, corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy
b University “Niccolò Cusano”, Faculty of Engineering, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 3, 00166, Rome, Italy
c University of Roma Tre, Department of Education, via del Castro Pretorio, 20, 00185, Rome, Italy
d Politecnico di Torino, Department of Energy ‘Galileo Ferraris’, corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy
e Department of Architecture and Arts, IUAV University of Venice, Dorsoduro 2206, 30123 Venezia, Italy
f Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”, Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy
g Department of Architecture, University of Palermo, 90128 Palermo PA, Italy
h Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, 90128 Palermo PA, Italy
i Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125, Catania, IT
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 011 090.4508; fax: +39 011 090.4499
valerio.loverso@polito.it (V. R. M. Lo Verso)
History: Received 08 November 2020 | Revised 24 December 2020 | Accepted 01 January 2020 | Published online 22 January 2021
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s). Published by solarlits.com. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Citation: V. R. M. Lo Verso, F. Giuliani, F. Caffaro, F. Basile, F. Peron, T. Dalla Mora, L. Bellia, F. Fragliasso, M. Beccali, M. Bonomolo, F. Nocera, V. Costanzo, A Survey on Daylighting Education in Italian Universities. Knowledge of Standards, Metrics and Simulation Tools, Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 36-49. https://dx.doi.org/10.15627/jd.2021.3
Figures and tables
Daylighting is a strategic topic to achieve sustainable buildings, so it is more and more imperative that it is implemented in architecture curricula to prepare a new generation of daylighting-oriented practitioners. In this frame, the DAYKE project (Daylight Knowledge in Europe) was set up to explore the level of knowledge about daylighting among European professionals and students. DAYKE-Europe was replicated as DAYKE-Italy to study the knowledge of daylight standards, metrics and software among Italian architecture students, and to compare it to that observed within DAYKE-Europe. A sample of 542 questionnaires were collected in five universities. Primary outcomes were: (i) a general low level of knowledge on daylighting was observed; the most cited metrics were the average daylight factor and the geometrical window-to-floor ratio, while climate-based daylight metrics were rarely mentioned; (ii) master science M.Sc. students reported more knowledge on daylight metrics and regulations than bachelor B.Sc. students, while the implementation of daylight metrics and strategies in projects was mainly deficient among B.Sc. students; (iii) compared to European students (DAYKE-Europe), Italian students showed a higher knowledge of daylight metrics and software (especially as for M.Sc. students), while the opposite was observed for standards, regulations and protocols. Based on the results, a reconsideration of daylight education in architecture curricula is recommended.
Daylighting education, Italian university student, DAYKE survey, Daylight metrics
Daylighting is acknowledged as a strategic topic to achieve sustainable buildings, as it plays a significant role in three, interconnected, crucial aspects:
It appears evident that a conscious daylighting design needs to be addressed through a multidisciplinary approach, which includes expertise from several areas: cognitive, psychological, and physiological. As a result, building practitioners need to cope with a quite complex mix of metrics: daylight metrics, both static such as the average daylight (average daylight factor DFm and climate-based (Daylight Autonomy DA [9], spatial Daylight Autonomy sDA300,50% [10], Annual Sunlight Exposure ASE1000,250 [10]: Useful Daylight Illuminance UDI [11], and Daylight Glare Probability DGP [12]), circadian metrics (circadian stimulus CS, circadian action factor CAF, equivalent melanopic lux EML [6-8]); and energy-related metrics (lighting energy numerical indicator LENI [1]). Besides, they need to comply with many different standards, regulations, and protocols. For instance, the European Standard EN 17037:2018, 'Daylighting in buildings' [13], issued by the Comité Européen de Normalisation CEN. [13].
A few studies have investigated to what extent daylighting metrics and criteria are known and used in the design practice. In 2006 and 2008, Reinhart & Fitz [14] and Galasiu & Reinhart [15] carried out two studies with over 360 building practitioners involved, to investigate which tools were currently used for daylighting analyses in the design practice. "Experience from previous work" and "rules-of-thumb" were the daylight prediction tools on which design practitioners most commonly rely during the schematic design phase, postponing the use of advanced, dynamic simulation tools until a detailed design stage. More recently, Brambilla carried out [16] a survey among researchers and professionals who were using the CBDM approach in their projects, to investigate different aspects such as: (i) for what type of projects they used CBDM (office and educational buildings were the most mentioned); (ii) which CBDM metrics they used (DA and UDI resulted the most used metrics, while DGP, sDA and ASE were used less frequently); and (iii) whether they used the CBDM approach to comply with a standard or protocol (LEED v4.1 [17] protocol was the most mentioned document).
Besides, it is also worth stressing that recently, in an era when both the CBDM metrics and the use of optimized devices for the integration between daylighting and electric lighting have become available for energy saving purposes (through occupancy and photodimming sensors), some studies outlined that existing general knowledge about lighting retrofit is currently very limited and there is a significant lack of information concerning the actual energy performance of lighting systems as well as of lighting controls [18-20].
Overall, a substantially low level of knowledge about daylighting issues among professionals, building designers and practitioners seems to emerge. Within this frame, these paper reports findings from the DAYKE (DAYlight Knowledge in Europe) research: DAYKE-Europe was carried out in a first stage in some European architecture faculties to investigate how daylighting is taught at a university level, where building practitioners are educated and trained to implement conscious daylighting strategies into their later professional design activities [21-22].
DAYKE-Europe was methodologically replicated and applied to an Italian partnership (DAYKE-Italy), using the same ad-hoc survey that was developed within DAYKE-Europe. The present paper presents results that were obtained within the DAYKE-Italy project. The DAYKE questionnaire was distributed among both Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) students in five universities across the Italian territory, which led to collecting 542 questionnaires for analyses.
The main goal of the study was to explore how daylighting is taught and learnt in a sample of architecture universities in Italy. As part of this, the study aimed at investigating the gap between latest advances that have been made in daylighting research, which led to new metrics, standards and regulations, and the education on daylighting in schools of architecture, where the next generation of building practitioners and professionals are trained. For this purpose, an ad-hoc survey was used to interrogate the students about their level of knowledge on the following three main topics:
Such investigation was carried out in two phases:
Consistently with the objectives of the study, the following Research Questions (RQ) were defined about the level of knowledge expressed by the students:
RQ1: What kind of knowledge do Italian students have about daylight metrics, regulations, and simulation tools?
RQ2: Does the knowledge vary between Italian B.Sc. and M.Sc. students?
RQ3: Are results collected through DAYKE-Italy comparable to results collected through DAYKE-Europe [21-22]?
The idea to methodologically replicate DAYKE-Europe as DAYKE-Italy lies on a deep revision process that architecture universities in Italy have been addressing over the last couple of years to implement new educational curricula in line with the latest goals set by the United Nations for sustainable and inclusive development. For instance, ‘Envision 2030 - goal 4: quality education’ sets, among others, the following target 4.7: "By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles" [23]. Alternatively, 'goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities' sets, among others, the following requirement: "Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning", and "substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement" [24].
In this frame, ‘daylighting’ was identified as one of the driving vectors, due to its impact on comfort, health for the occupants and energy saving-related issues, as well as and on aesthetical, formal, and technological aspects of buildings and cities of the future. Considering the strategic role played by daylighting, it was decided to replicate the DAYKE survey across the Italian territory, through the DAYKE-Italy project, to assess the general level of knowledge as expressed by a sample of students in architecture and to compare it to the average level of knowledge that was observed in Europe (results from the earlier DAYKE-Europe). The goal was to understand the magnitude of the knowledge about daylighting in Italian universities and if this was similar, higher, or lower than the average knowledge expressed on daylighting issues by a sample of European students in the same field (architecture).
The DAYKE survey relies on three primary areas of investigation: (i) perception of a daylit space (university classrooms in schools of architecture), in terms of visual performance and comfort perceived by the occupants; (ii) preferences about daylighting; and (iii) knowledge about daylighting, in terms of metrics, simulation tools and standards/regulations. They were set to account for the different areas (cognitive, perceptive, physio-psychological) that are concerned with a daylit space.
In this paper, results from DAYKE-Italy about the knowledge section are presented. The ad-hoc questionnaire built for DAYKE-Europe was distributed among both B.Sc. and M.Sc. students in five universities across the Italian territory (Turin and Venice in northern Italy, Naples in central Italy, and Catania and Palermo in southern Italy), as shown in Fig. 1. Specific questions were addressed to students to investigate their knowledge about daylighting, with regard to both theoretical aspects (in terms of daylighting metrics, software, standards), and practical use of daylighting in design projects (implementation into architectural practice). Eight classrooms were considered in total, and a sample of 542 questionnaires was collected and processed through two different campaigns: the first one was conducted in April-May-June 2019 ('spring session'), the second one in November-December 2019 and January 2020 ('fall-winter session'). The 5 universities and the 8 classrooms were selected to have a sample able to represent several, different scenarios in terms of daylight quantity and distribution across the room, due to different climate and architectural features (orientation, window area, room depth). Particular attention was paid to create a mix of classrooms located in new or in historical buildings, conceived for other functions and later transformed into learning spaces.
The DAYKE questionnaire is an ad-hoc instrument developed based on previous questionnaires available in the literature that investigated different aspects of daylighting in educational [25-26], office [27], residential [28] and healthcare [29] buildings. The online mode was chosen after carrying out the first survey within DAYKE [21]: a paper questionnaire was used at first, but then it was decided to use an online platform (Google Forms) to handle the collection and management of a very large number of responses. Besides, some questions were also modified, as they were not easy to cope with in the presence of massive data (f.i. questions that used open-ended answers).
The DAYKE questionnaire that was developed consists of five sections: (1) environmental impressions; (2) perception; (3) preferences; (4) knowledge; and (5) socio-demographic information. The different sections dealt with aspects related to psychology (impression and perception), arts (preferences) and engineering (knowledge), considering daylighting as a multifaceted topic, deserving attention from a variety of disciplines [4]. Different types of questions were used for the various sections of the DAYKE questionnaire: for environmental impression, which collects a set of subjective data, multiple-choice questions and 5-point bipolar scales with semantic descriptors for each point were used; the section perception uses 5-point unipolar and bipolar scales with semantic descriptors for each point; the section preferences uses multiple-answer questions created to investigate preferences towards different types of (day)lighting conditions and daylighting use in buildings, as well as beliefs and cultural issues; the final section, personal information, includes participants' socio-demographic (e.g. gender, age) and daylighting education information, including daylighting design training. More detail on the survey can be found in [22].
The section knowledge, due to the inherent characteristics of the items addressed, uses 'yes/no' questions to determine which share of respondents report knowing daylight metrics, simulation tools and standards. 'Yes/no' questions are then integrated with open-answer questions, where the respondents can specify which metric, standard, and software they are familiar with.
In more detail, the section accounts six items:
It was decided not to investigate the knowledge about circadian lighting and metrics, as this topic is still not mature enough to be implemented in a consolidated and widely accepted body of regulations. The WELL protocol [30] is the first and only document that introduced requirements in terms of circadian lighting (through the equivalent melanopic lux EML), but it is still too soon to expect circadian lighting to be taught among students. The investigation was therefore focused on daylight and energy-related metrics, software, and regulations.
Above questions of section ‘knowledge’ were integrated with some questions that were introduced in the last section of the questionnaire ('personal information'), namely:
At the beginning of each session, participants were briefed about the rating instructions and meaning of the terms used in the questionnaire (i.e. metrics, regulation, etc.).
To address the Research Questions defined in Section 2.1, descriptive statistics were computed for each variable of interest: frequencies and percentages of correct, incorrect and false-positive answers (FP, i.e. a respondent reported to know a metric, to have applied it in a project, to have used a simulation tool and to know the three types of regulations but then he/she was not able to name any of them) were computed, for both B.Sc. students and M.Sc. students. Moreover, to answer RQ2, the performance of B.Sc. and M.Sc. students in Italy were compared through a chi-square (χ2) test to check for any significant differences. A different series of chi-square (χ2) tests was then calculated to answer RQ3, that is to investigate the possible differences between Italian and European participants in general (DAYKE-Italy vs. DAYKE-Europe) and between B.Sc. and M.Sc. students in Italy and in Europe, by comparing:
Furthermore, in order to compare the ‘overall knowledge performance’ between B.Sc. and M Sc. students in Italy and in Europe, an overall knowledge score for each participant was computed as the sum of the correct responses given to the six knowledge items (the score could therefore range between 0 and 6). This score was then used as dependent variable in a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in which Degree curriculum (B.Sc. vs. M.Sc.) and Nationality (Italian vs. Europe) were used as independent variables. P-values <.05 were considered significant. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software v26.
Figure 2 summarises some of the main socio-demographic characteristics of the sample of 542 questionnaires that were collected within DAYKE-Italy. As shown in the figure, a prevalence of female students was observed compared to male students (61% vs. 39%). The students ranged from 18 years old to 34 years old, with a prevalence of students between 20 and 23 years old (as one could expect), which means that the sample was well representative of students enrolled in both a B.Sc. (42%) or in a M.Sc. (58%) curriculum. In Turin, the students were equally subdivided between B.Sc. and M.Sc., while a predominance of M.Sc. students was observed in Naples (73%) and Palermo (90%), and the opposite applied to Catania (10%). In Venice, all the students who participated in the survey were attending a M.Sc. curriculum.
Figure 2
Fig. 2. Summary of socio-demographic characteristics of the sample and subdivision into B.Sc. and M.Sc. students.
As a whole, 52.4% of students within DAYKE-Italy reported to have previously attended at least one course during their curriculum that addressed daylighting analyses and/or calculations, while a minor share (5.1%) reported to have attended some extra-curricular lectures (seminars, webinars, workshops) on daylighting subjects. These shares were comparable with what observed within DAYKE-Europe, where 54.1% and 5.2% of European students attended curricular or extracurricular courses on daylighting, respectively.
Figure 3 shows the frequency of positive answers collected within DAYKE-Italy, i.e. the percentage of students who responded ‘yes’ to questions on daylighting knowledge (f.i. “Do you know any daylight metric/indicator?", or “Have you ever used software for daylighting modelling and calculations?”). Special attention was paid to ‘false-positive’ responses (FP), which may act as a bias in interpreting the results obtained. Two types of FP responses were identified:
Consequently, the number of 'positive responses' was decreased after removing the FP. In this regard, Fig. 3 shows the results after removing the FP ‘missing responses’ (while ‘inconsistent responses’ are discussed in Sections 4.1.1-4.1.2-4.1.3). Based on the information displayed in the Figure, the following considerations can be drawn:
Figure 3
Fig. 3. Percent of positive answers (i.e. respondents who declared to know at least one daylight metric, to have participated in a project using a daylight metric, to know at least one daylighting software and standards/regulations on daylighting). For each aspect of knowledge, both the total positive answers and the 'effective' positive answers (deducing FP responses) are shown. The secondary vertical axis shows the percentage of FP.
As far as the theoretical knowledge on daylight metrics is concerned, 35.6% of the sample of respondents reported to know at least one of them. Figure 4 shows the metrics that were mentioned by the respondents, after removing the FP ‘missing answers’.
Figure 4
Fig. 4. List of daylight metrics which were mentioned by the respondents. NOTE: the label 'other-consistent' includes a number of photometric quantities: luminous intensity and candela, Color Rendering Index and Correlated Color Temperature, luminance; the label 'other-inconsistent' includes: heat, comfort, wavelength, radiation, refraction, software, sun path, measurement instruments, transmittance, Waldram.
As shown in the Figure, the average daylight factor DFm and the window-to-floor-ratio WFR were the most cited metrics (60.7% and 36.1%, respectively). Other daylight metrics cited were ‘illuminance’ and the advanced CBDM metrics (17.5% and 11.5%, respectively). These latter were cited in Turin and Venice only, but it should be noticed that they were not cited in Palermo, just because the survey took place before the topic could be addressed during the dedicated course, which means that they are part of the university curriculum but could not be included in the present study.
It is worth stressing that open answers included both erroneous and misunderstood examples of ‘daylight metrics’. For this reason, two groups were labelled ‘other’ in the Figure: (i) ‘other-consistent’ (21.9%), which includes a number of photometric quantities, such as luminous intensity and candela, Color Rendering Index and Correlated Color Temperature, luminance; (ii) ‘other-inconsistent’ (15.8%), which includes responses not related with a daylight metric, such as heat, comfort, wavelength, radiation, refraction, software, sun path, measurement instruments, transmittance, Waldram. This shows a certain level of confusion regarding the difference between variables, metrics, and units.
As for the application of daylighting metrics in projects within design studios or laboratories, 13.8% of the respondents reported to have had a direct application of at least one metric. This shows that the implementation of daylighting strategies into architecture practice (projects) is lower than the knowledge of the existence of metrics at a theoretical level, learned in theoretical courses. As shown in Fig. 5, the metrics that were applied into practice are consistent with the metrics known at a theoretical level: DFm (68.5%), WFR (27.4%), illuminance (8.2%), and CBMD metrics (5.5%). A differentiated analysis for the five cities considered shows an unbalanced distribution of the application of daylight metrics: most applications were reported in Turin, for instance, the percentage of application of DFm was reported as high as 40%, while it was less than 4.5% for all the other sites considered. Similarly to what observed for the knowledge of metrics, a significant share of ‘other-consistent’ and ‘other-inconsistent’ responses was observed (6.8% for both cases).
Figure 5
Fig. 5. List of metrics that were mentioned by students who reported to have participated in projects (design studios and laboratories) where daylighting was addressed. NOTE: the labels' other-consistent' and 'other-inconsistent' have the same meaning as described in Figure 6.
Among the respondents, 25.1% of them reported to know or to have used a simulation tool for daylighting analyses. Figure 6 shows in detail which simulation tools were reported by the respondents for daylighting modelling.
Figure 6
Fig. 6. Percentage of respondents who declared to know/have used daylighting software/calculation tools. NOTE: the label ‘other’ includes heterogeneous, non-daylight specific tools such as Keyshot, Photoshop, SunEarthTool, Termolog.
The most cited simulation tools were Velux Daylight Visualizer (31.3% of students), Dialux (25.8%), and Ecotect (23.4%). Dynamic simulation tools that use Radiance (such as Daysim, DIVA-for-Rhino, Grasshopper and some of its add-on - Honeybee, Ladybug etc.) to perform dynamic daylighting modelling and calculate CBDM metrics were used by 11.7% of the respondents. A similar rate of answers (10.9%) was also attributed to a group of tools that included ArchiCAD, Cinema 4D, AutoCAD, 3D-Studio etc. A significant share of respondents (14.1%) mentioned tools that are not specific nor related to daylighting analysis, such as Keyshot, Photoshop, SunEarthTool, and Termolog. This latter is a professional software used to determine the energy certification of a building: it was probably cited with regard to the calculation of the energy demand for lighting as a result of the integration between daylighting and electric lighting.
This section investigated the knowledge on European and Italian standards, regulations, and protocols on daylighting, as self-reported by the students.
A minor share of respondents reported to know at least one standard/regulation/protocol on daylighting: 5.2% about European standards and 8.1% for Italian standards. The rate of students who declared to know standards on energy-related aspects (labelled as ‘other’) was observed to be even lower (3.1%). As for the different universities, the peak of positive answers was observed in Turin and in Venice, with quite low rates for the other three sites (see Fig. 7).
Figure 7
Fig. 7. Percent of respondents who declared to know at least one standard/regulation/protocol on daylighting: (a) European; (b) Italian; and (c) others.
Beside the low rate of responses, a general confusion also emerges in correctly mentioning the name of some standards, for instance mentioned in rough terms such as “standard that contains DFm”. Some confusion was also observed among European, Italian and other standards. For instance, the set of Italian regulations and standards on the average daylight factor DFm was mentioned with regard to both Italian and European regulations, or energy/environmental protocols such as LEED [17] or BREEAM [31] were mentioned both among ‘European’ regulations and among ‘other’ regulations.
As for standards/regulations/protocols that were mentioned among Italian standards and regulations, the regulation codes that contain the DFm prescriptions (technical regulations and Italian law decrees on residential, educational and healthcare buildings [31-35]) received the highest citation rate (42.9%), followed by the Italian regulations containing the WFR prescription (31%). This is consistent with the results observed about the knowledge of metrics, where DFm and WFR were the most cited metrics. Among European standards and regulations, the recent European Norm EN 17037:2018 and environmental-energy protocols such as LEED [17] and BREEAM [31] were the most cited references (30.8%, 19.2%, and 15.4% of respondents, respectively).
Figure 8 shows the frequency of positive answers that were expressed within DAYKE-Italy, deduced the FP inconsistent answers, disaggregated for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students. The number of FP responses is also shown in the Figure.
Figure 8
Fig. 8. Frequency of positive answers to the various aspects of daylighting knowledge investigated, differentiated for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students.
As one could expect, the rate of positive answers increases among M.Sc. students compared to B.Sc. students for all the aspects of daylighting knowledge investigated. In detail, the following trends can be highlighted:
Considering the average rates reported by B.Sc. and M.Sc. students on all the six items of knowledge (metrics, projects, software, and three types of standards/regulations), the average knowledge increased from 8.3% to 23.3%: this shows that M.Sc. curricula implement a higher awareness on daylighting aspects, even though such knowledge still appears quite low. This is mainly due to the scarce knowledge on standards/regulations: the average rates reported on metrics, projects, and software are higher, being 38.4% among M.Sc. students compared to 13.4% among B.Sc. students. Still, less than half M.Sc. students are familiar with daylight metrics and software, with a quite low implementation and application of daylight issues in projects.
In this section, the answers collected about daylighting knowledge within DAYKE-Europe and DAYKE-Italy are compared, with the aim of highlighting if the trend in Italian universities is somewhat in line, or better, or worse with respect to the average knowledge observed in Europe [22].
Figure 9 shows the frequencies of positive answers provided by the respondents on the various items on ‘knowledge about daylighting’, with regard to both the total of students and disaggregating B.Sc from M.Sc students. FP responses were not displayed in the graph.
Figure 9
Fig. 9. Percent of respondents who declared to have knowledge of daylighting metrics, regulations, and software in DAYKE-Italy and in DAYKE-Europe.
The following trends emerge, with regard to the various aspects of daylighting knowledge addressed through the survey:
When the overall knowledge performance (total score by summing the positive answers of items 1 through 6, deduced FP responses) was considered, the ANOVA showed a significant main effect of Degree curriculum (F(1,829)=8.730, p=.003) and Nationality (F(1,829)=83.556, p=.000), as well as a significant interaction effect of Degree curriculum * Nationality (F(1,8299)=21.136, p=.000). In more detail, this means that:
Following up the approach reported in Section 4.1, which showed a quite high impact on the results played by FP responses (especially concerning ‘projects’ and ‘standards’), Figure 10 compares the FP responses that were identified for both samples, DAYKE-Italy and DAYKE-Europe. Based on the results shown in the Figure, the following considerations can be drawn:
A significantly higher rate of FP responses was recorded among European B.Sc. students compared to their Italian counterparts regarding the item ‘projects’ (χ2(3)=25.923, p<.001) and the knowledge of European (χ2(3)=43.317, p<.001), national (χ2(3)=43.317, p<.001) and other (χ2(3)=59.491, p<.001) standards.
Figure 10
Fig. 10. Percentage of ‘false-positive’ responses expressed on knowledge of daylighting metrics, regulations, and software in DAYKE-Italy and in DAYKE-Europe.
Some of the most interesting findings are discussed below:
In general, the level of knowledge remains low, especially among B.Sc. students. This suggests that a lack of knowledge of standards and requirements may lead to the limited implementation of daylight in the design process or design decisions that do not fully exploit daylight potential. The skills learned in courses seem to remain at a theoretical level and have limited application to projects. The results of the first DAYKE publications show that the culture of daylight is not widespread enough in schools of architecture. Furthermore, this is in contrast with the orientation towards sustainability that is increasingly being given more and more space in training of architects. Hence, there seems to be an urgent need for a revision of university curricula to dedicate more importance to daylighting education, with greater consistency with teaching energy aspects. Even where changes in university curricula may be slower, individual teachers (especially in the fields of building technology and physics) could introduce dedicated lessons to increase knowledge of aspects, metrics and regulations relating to daylighting.
Finally, the authors would like to draw attention to a trend that was observed in the open-ended responses and that goes beyond a purely theoretical aspect, i.e. the confusion over the terminology of false-positive - inconsistent responses. Some diffuse confusion over technical terminology was observed for a minor share of the respondents. Recurrent confusions were: units of measurement mentioned for metrics and indicators; energy protocols mentioned for standards and norms; building components mentioned for metrics and indicators; software mentioned as standards or metrics. The possibility of introducing bias into the questions was considered and, to reduce the misunderstanding factor, the questionnaire was translated into the languages of countries where English is less familiar (Italian, French, Polish). In spite of this, the number of FP remained significant in some cases. This confusion and misunderstanding may be a good reference to include in the process of revising university curricula.
The DAYKE project is an extensive survey, still in progress, trying to have an exhaustive vision on an educational issue - daylighting - at an international level. One of the strengths of the project is the development of ad-hoc questionnaires, specifically designed to incorporate the views of both academic and non-academic populations (professionals). Focusing on the main topic dealt with in the present paper, ‘knowledge on daylighting’, the DAYKE-Italy project, like the earlier DAYKE-Europe, has the merit of investigating and reporting on the gap that still exists between daylighting research and daylighting education in architecture curricula. On the one hand, research has validated the climate-based daylight modelling CBDM and the set of CBDM metrics that have been proposed over the last 15 years, some of them being incorporated in energy-environmental assessment protocols such as the LEED v4.1 (2020) [17]; in this frame, the recent European standard EN 17037:2018 introduced a ‘climate-based’ version of the average daylight factor DFm and adopted the Daylight Glare Probability. On the other hand, the Italian legislation system still refers to DFm, which means that the CBDM approach and its metrics are not standardized as reference and hence remain largely under-used.
On the whole, DAYKE-Italy has the merit to highlight a general low level of knowledge on daylighting among architecture students. This particularly applies to B.Sc. students. Results from DAYKE-Italy highlight the need for a deeper implementation of daylighting to educate the next generation of building professionals and practitioners in a sustainable perspective. Today's students will be professionals in a span of a few years. At that time they will have to design by applying CBDM or circadian metrics and new standards in the field are expected to be more and more extensively implemented into building legislation and regulation systems. A great effort is needed to bridge the gap between advances in daylighting research, which nowadays also includes effect on the health of occupants of indoors spaces, through the ‘non-visual’ effects of light and their impact on the individual circadian rhythm, and a conscious application to the design process. This is a core issue in the frame of achieving a ‘human-centered design, as daylight combines health, psychological effects for the global well-being of the occupants of indoor spaces. Otherwise, there is a risk that ‘human-centered design’ remains an appealing but theoretical label.
Among the limits, it may be highlighted that the sample of five universities that was used within DAYKE-Italy cannot be considered as fully representative of all the Italian architecture curricula. In order to obtain more generalizable results, a wider range of universities may be included as a further development of the research. This might be coupled with a more in-depth analysis of the curricula offered by the different universities and schools of architecture. On the other hand, the sample used within DAYKE-Italy was large enough to identify a number of shared and significant trends about implementing daylighting design into the education process of Italian architecture students.
Using the results obtained from the DAYKE research, an international project funded by the Erasmus+ programme was set up to create a platform to increase daylight education for both students and building professionals [37]. The project, which is still in its early phase, is expected to bring the discussion on daylight issues to a higher level of awareness.
The paper presented some results from the DAYKE-Italy project, which administered an ad-hoc online questionnaire to both B.Sc. and M.Sc. architecture students to investigate various aspects of knowledge about daylighting (daylight metrics and simulation tools, participation in projects where daylight metrics were used, and standards/regulations). DAYKE-Italy is a methodological replication of the DAYKE-Europe project to the Italian context, and it was set up also to explore if such knowledge is aligned with the average knowledge observed within DAYKE-Europe. A total of 542 questionnaires were collected from five universities.
The main findings were: (i) a general low level of knowledge was observed on both daylighting metrics, software and standards; the most cited metrics were the DFm and the geometrical window-to-floor ratio WFR (window area to floor area ratio); (ii) the advanced climate-based daylight metrics were mentioned less frequently than DFm and WFR; (iii) M.Sc. students reported more knowledge than B.Sc. students on all the aspects of daylighting knowledge; particularly, the implementation of daylighting metrics and strategies in architectural projects was very low among B. Sc. students; (iv) compared to European students (DAYKE-Europe), Italian students showed a higher knowledge of daylight metrics and software (especially as for M.Sc. students), while the opposite was observed for standards, regulations and protocols.
In conclusion, the study pointed out a quite low implementation of the latest research findings into both the regulation systems (even though the recent European Standard EN 17037:2018 [13] represents a meaningful step forward in this direction) and in the educational programs. It was also possible to understand that both teaching and implementation of daylighting into the architecture curricula is limited, which strongly reduces the possibility of educating a class of future building designers and practitioners who can enhance the crucial benefits of daylighting (in terms of comfort, health, and energy savings) in their professional career. More robust implementation of courses on daylighting design is therefore recommended in university curricula in Italy. Considering the multi-faceted aspects of daylighting (cognitive, physiological, and psychological), it is important to address daylighting education through a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach that combines expertise from technical and human sciences.
This paper aims to open a deep thinking on what is taught in Italian and European universities currently. Today’s students will be professionals within a few years and will carry on the marks of their education. Some urgent questions need to be addressed: will future building practitioners really be able to design through CBDM or circadian lighting design? The issue is also broader and involves how the new regulations and standards are presented to students. Will universities be able to train the professionals of tomorrow, consistently with the new goals set by the United Nations for a sustainable and inclusive development?
Federica Giuliani conceived the idea of the study, elaborated the results from questionnaires and prepared the data for analysis.
Valerio R.M. Lo Verso supervised, distributed and managed the survey distribution and data collection and analysis, together with Federica Giuliani and Federica Basile. Furthermore, he wrote the text of the paper.
Federica Basile managed the distribution of the survey and prepared data elaborations.
Federica Giuliani, Valerio R.M. Lo Verso and Federica Caffaro designed the questionnaire and equally participated in the data analysis phase.
Federica Caffaro and Federica Giuliani revised the text of the paper.
Fabio Peron, Tiziano Dalla Mora, Laura Bellia, Francesca Fragliasso, Marco Beccali, Marina Bonomolo, Francesco Nocera, and Vincenzo Costanzo participated in the survey distribution and data collection and analysis.
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by solarlits.com.