Dr Seyed Morteza Hosseini

Editorial Board Member

Aalborg University

Brief Bio

Dr. Morteza Hosseini an assistant professor at the Department of Architecture, Design & Media Technology in the Aalborg University. He is a leading researcher in the field of responsive, interactive, and kinetic façade design that focused his education and practical building design on kinetic facade design concerning users' visual comfort and daylight performance. He holds a Ph.D. in Smart Architectural Technology from the department of the Built Environment of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Morteza has an outstanding ability to develop interdisciplinary research in the field of architecture and daylighting through parametric thinking. Besides, He has an impressive portfolio of the architectural design of indoor and outdoor spaces, many projects with dynamic/kinetic façade structures. Hosseini also possesses great computational skills, being an experienced user of the most common software for daylight simulation, visualization, and rendering. He has contributed as the main author to a considerable number of refereed articles in highly ranked scientific journals. He is a reviewer for several Elsevier, Springer, and Taylor & Francis journals.

Research areas


Assistant Professor
Aalborg University
Department of Architecture, Design & Media Technology, Aalborg University Copenhagen, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, DK-2450 Copenhagen SV, Copenhagen, Denmark
Email: smho@create.aau.dk
Tel: +45 9940 2082


Biomimetic Kinetic Shading Facade Inspired by Tree Morphology for Improving Occupant’s Daylight Performance
Journal: Journal of Daylighting
Published: 2021

Integrating interactive kinetic façade design with colored glass to improve daylight performance based on occupants’ position
Journal: Journal of Building Engineering
Published: 2020

The Role of Orosi’s Islamic Geometric Patterns in the Building Façade Design for Improving Occupants’ Daylight Performance
Journal: Journal of Daylighting
Published: 2020

A morphological approach for kinetic façade design process to improve visual and thermal comfort: Review
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2019

Interactive kinetic façade: improving visual comfort based on dynamic daylight and occupant's positions by 2D and 3D shape changes
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2019

Quantitative investigation through climate-based daylight metrics of visual comfort due to colorful glass and orosi windows in Iranian architecture
Journal: Journal of Daylighting
Published: 2018