Prof Hongfei Zheng

Associate Editor

Beijing Institute of Technology

Brief Bio

Prof. Hongfei Zheng has been carrying out research in the area of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Systems in the past thirty five years. He has a wide range of experience in solar energy applications including hot water, desalination, air conditioning, solar concentration and daylighting. He began his research interest in solar energy applications since he was a lecturer at Guangxi University in 1980s. Prof Zheng started his PhD study at the University of Science and Technology of China (top 5 in China) in September 1996. The subject of his PhD was solar desalination technology. Since completion of his PhD in 1999, he had worked in Xian Jiaotong University (top 10 in China) for two years as a postdoctoral researcher and associate professor. During that time he completed independently a research project funded by the Postdoctoral Management Committee of China. From 2002, Prof. Hongfei Zheng has been working at Beijing Institute of Technology (top 20 in China). His research has mainly been focused on three areas: 1) solar desalination, 2) solar concentration and 3) heat and mass transfer. He has taught Thermodynamics, Solar energy, Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat transfer for 20 years. He can teach these courses in English. Prof. Zheng has published more than 250 refereed papers (more than 70papers was published in international Journals, especially in Desalination, Solar Energy and Energy Convers and Management) and 9 monographs (one is international monograph published by Elsevier Press group). Two monographs are “Solar Desalination Principle and Technology”. He has obtained 35 patents. He worked in Nottingham University in UK as a visiting professor from 2012.3~2013.9. During this period, he completed the European Commission for a Marie Curie Fellowship grant (PIIF-GA-2010-275038). He worked in Demark Technology of University (DTU) in Denmark as a visiting professor from 2015.1~2015.4. He also worked in California University in Merced in USA as a visiting professor from 2017.1~2017.8. He as supervise has brought up 18 Ph.D students. He is the principal investigator for 7 important research projects respectively funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50576004, 51076016, U1261119 and 51576017, 51976013) and National “863” Hi-Tech Development Program of China (No. 2007AA05Z433, 2013AA102407-2). He completed several international cooperation projects with UK (ICUK) and Denmark (No. 2010DFA62530). He also developed several solar systems including solar concentrators and solar desalination systems to be sale into China market.

Research areas


Beijing Institute of Technology
School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 5 Zhong Guan Cun Nan Dajie, Haidian District., Beijing, China
Tel: +86-10-68912510


A novel solar multifunctional PV/T/D system for green building roofs
Journal: Energy Conversion and Management
Published: 2015

A study on use of miniature dielectric compound parabolic concentrator (dCPC) for daylighting control application
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2014

Influence of the receiver’s back surface radiative characteristics on the performance of a heat-pipe evacuated-tube solar collector
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2014

Performance analysis and experimental investigation of a novel trough daylight concentration and axial transmission system
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2013

Experimental and numerical study on a new multi-effect solar still with enhanced condensation surface
Journal: Energy Conversion and Management
Published: 2013

Field test of a solar seawater desalination unit with triple-effect falling film regeneration in northern China
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2012

Experimental test of a novel multi-surface trough solar concentrator for air heating
Journal: Energy Conversion and Management
Published: 2012

Study of a novel sunlight concentrating and optical fibre guiding system
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2011

A novel multiple curved surfaces compound concentrator
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2011