Dr Osama Mohamed Omar

Editorial Board Member

University of Bahrain

Brief Bio

Dr. Osama Mohamed Omar is an Egyptian Scientist and Finished his PHD Degree from Architectural Department - Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University "Nanoarchitecture and Global Warming". His Master degree was about “Advanced daylighting technologies for sustainable Architecture”. He currently working as Associate professor in University of Bahrain, Department of Architecture and Interior Design, College of Engineering, Kingdom of Bahrain. He is concerned for environment protection using innovative of nanotechnology and simple architectural solutions to limit the global warming effects. He had several researches in Zero Energy and Nanoarchitecture fields. He Published Three Book in Architecture in Germany.​

Research areas


Associate Professor
University of Bahrain
Department of Architecture and Interior Design, College of Engineering, University of Bahrain Manama, Bahrain, Postal Code: 32038, MANAMA, Bahrain
Email: oomar@uob.edu.bh
Tel: +97332392084
Website: https://engineering.uob.edu.bh/faculty/faculty-profile/?faculty=dr-osama-mohamed-elsaid-omar


Optimization of daylight utilization in energy saving application on the library in faculty of architecture, design and built environment, Beirut Arab University
Journal: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Published: 2018

Intelligent Building, Definitions, Factors and Evaluation Criteria of Selection
Journal: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Published: 2018

Towards Eco-neighborhoods, Solutions for Sustainable Development, Construction and Energy Saving Technologies
Journal: Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
Published: 2018