Dr Arsenio Barbón

Associate Editor

University of Oviedo

Brief Bio

Dr. Manuel Arsenio Barbón Álvarez is an Associate Professor of Electrical technology at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronic, Computer and Systems (University of Oviedo, Spain), and Director of the Research Group “Energy conversion for sustainable development”, which he founded in 2015. He has published more than 20 articles in high ranked journals and international congresses. He has obtained 3 patents. Hi is directed several doctoral thesis and been IP several projects with Public Administrations, always in the field of the solar energy. His main research topics are the small-scale linear Fresnel reflectors, photovoltaic panels and the daylighting system.

Research areas


Associate Professor
University of Oviedo
Campus de Viesques - Edificios Departamentales Oeste, Módulo Nº 4 - Despacho Nº 20, Gijón, Spain
Email: barbon@uniovi.es
Tel: 34 985 18 26 20
Website: https://www.unioviedo.es/barbon/


A cost-energy based methodology for small-scale linear Fresnel reflectors on flat roofs of urban buildings
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2020

Investigating the influence of longitudinal tilt angles on the performance of small scale linear Fresnel reflectors for urban applications
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2019

A study of the effect of the longitudinal movement on the performance of small scale linear Fresnel reflectors
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2019

New daylight fluctuation control in an optical fiber-based daylighting system
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2019

Cost estimation relationships of a small scale linear Fresnel reflector
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2019

Optimization of the distribution of small scale linear Fresnel reflectors on roofs of urban buildings
Journal: Applied Mathematical Modelling
Published: 2018

Development of a fiber daylighting system based on a small scale linear Fresnel reflector: Theoretical elements
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2018

Parametric study of the small scale linear Fresnel reflector
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2018

Optimization of the length and position of the absorber tube in small-scale Linear Fresnel Concentrators
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2016

Theoretical elements for the design of a small scale Linear Fresnel Reflector: Frontal and lateral views
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2016