Prof. Önder Güler

Associate Editor

Istanbul Technical University

Brief Bio

Dr. Önder Güler is a Professor in the Energy Institute at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He received the BSc, MSc and PhD. degrees in Electrical Engineering Department from the Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 1991, 1995 and 2001 respectively. His research area are road lighting, energy saving in lighting systems, energy management in industry and building, wind energy, PV Systems, electrical energy quality. Dr. Güler is a member of Turkish National Illumination Committee and Chamber of Electrical Engineers.

Research areas


Istanbul Technical University
Istanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, Ayazaga Campus, Maslak/Istanbul, Türkiye
Tel: +902122853870


Techno-economic analysis of off-grid photovoltaic LED road lighting systems: A case study for northern, central and southern regions of Turkey
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2019

Techno-economic analysis of off-grid PV LED road lighting systems for Antalya province of Turkey
Journal: Light and Engineering
Published: 2019

Determining minimum visibility levels in different road lighting scenarios
Journal: Lighting Research and Technology
Published: 2018

Techno-economic analysis of off-grid PV/wind/fuel cell hybrid system combinations with a comparison of regularly and seasonally occupied households
Journal: Sustainable Cities and Society
Published: 2018

Alternative Moment Method for wind energy potential and turbine energy output estimation
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2018

Road lighting automation scenarios depending on traffic speed and volüme
Journal: Lighting Research and Technology.
Published: 2018

Comparison of road lighting calculations with measurements using conventional and camera luminance meters
Journal: Light and Engineering
Published: 2016

A novel energy pattern factor method for wind speed distribution parameter estimation
Journal: Energy Conversion and Management
Published: 2015

Power system integration of wind farms and analysis of grid code requirements
Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Published: 2015

Experimental evaluation of the impacts of considering inherent response characteristics for lighting technologies in building energy modeling
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2014

Feasibility analysis of medium-sized hotel's electrical energy consumption with hybrid systems,
Journal: Sustainable Cities and Society
Published: 2013

Evaluation of Daylight Responsive Lighting Control Systems According to the Results of a Long Term Experiment
Journal: Light and Engineering
Published: 2012

Cost Analyses of Led Luminaires in Road Lighting
Journal: Light and Engineering
Published: 2012

Determination of Real Energy Saving Potential of Daylight Response Systems: A Case Study From Turkey
Journal: Light and Engineering
Published: 2010

Determination of the Effects of Structural Properties on Tunnel Lighting with Examples from Turkey
Journal: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research
Published: 2003

The Effect of Luminance Uniformity on Visibility Level in Road Lighting
Journal: Lighting Research & Technology
Published: 2003