Dr Petar Pejic

Editorial Board Member

University of Niš

Brief Bio

Petar Pejić is a Ph.D. researcher of architecture and Teaching associate at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in University of Niš, Serbia. His research interests include: analysis of daylighting laws and regulations, new buildings shadows impact on existing, right to light, computer simulation for building energy performance, photogrammetry, and sustainable Architecture.

Research areas


University of Niš
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Niš, Serbia
Email: petarpejic@i.ua
Tel: +38-16-3644848


The effect of architectural façade design on energy savings in the student dormitory
Journal: Thermal Science
Published: 2014

Importance of building orientation in determining daylighting quality in student dorm rooms: Physical and simulated daylighting parameters’ values compared to subjective survey results
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2014

Comparative Analysis of Terrestrial Semi-automatic and Automatic Photogrammetry in 3D Modeling Process
Journal: Nexus Network Journal
Published: 2014

Significance of daylight in the design and construction of buildings
Journal: Građevinar
Published: 2013