Prof Laura Bellia

Associate Editor

University of Naples Federico II

Brief Bio

Dr. Laura Bellia is a full professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II. Since 2014 she is Official Member of the CIE Division 1 (Commissione Internationale de L'Eclairage): Vision and Color, representing Italy. She acted as Judge online in 2010, 2011 and 2014 for IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America)Illumination Awards. She is designated as member of "Board of Directors" representing Italy in the International Conference "Lux Europa" for the period 2013-2017. she is a member of several orgnizations: AIDI, IESNA , AICARR, CIE Italy, CIE, SIOF, and IBPSA Italy member. Her interests of research are about environmental controls with particular attention towards thermal and hygrometric conditions and lighting. Lighting represents today her main interest and her research activity is focused on analysis of visual environment, visual comfort, color quality and non visual effects of light. Furthermore, she is now carrying out experimental researches about perceived and measured colors under LED sources with different correlated color temperature.

Research areas


University of Naples Federico II
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, Naples, Italy
Tel: +39-081-2538778


The impact of the software’s choice on dynamic daylight simulations’ results: A comparison between Daysim and 3ds Max Design®
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2015

Photometric characterisation of small sources with high dynamic range illuminance mapping
Journal: Lighting Research and Technology
Published: 2014

Daylighting offices: A first step toward an analysis of photobiological effects for design practice purposes
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2014

A coupled numerical approach on museum air conditioning: Energy and fluid-dynamic analysis
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2013

Effects of solar shading devices on energy requirements of standalone office buildings for Italian climates
Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering
Published: 2013

Lit environments quality: A software for the analysis of luminance maps obtained with the HDR imaging technique
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2013

Lighting in educational environments: An example of a complete analysis of the effects of daylight and electric light on occupants
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2013

From radiometry to circadian photometry: A theoretical approach
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2013

Illuminance measurements through HDR imaging photometry in scholastic environment
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2011

Lighting in indoor environments: Visual and non-visual effects of light sources with different spectral power distributions
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2011