Dr. Feride Şener Yılmaz

Editorial Board Member

Istanbul Technical University

Brief Bio

Feride Şener Yılmaz (PhD) has been graduated from Gazi University Department of Architecture (Turkey) in 2006 with honor degree and recieved her MSc degree from Istanbul Technical University Environmental Control and Building Technology MSc Program in 2009. She completed her PhD in ITU Building Science Program in 2014 with “The Best Dissertation Award of the Year”. She participated in Stuttgart University of Applied Science, Department of Building Physics in Germany as a visiting researcher and worked in the field of architectural lighting design. During her academic studies, she participated in Building Research Establishment- BRE Building Technology Group, Lighting Division in England as a researcher. She has relevant technical consultancy expertise for national and international projects in the building sector for the disciplines of architectural lighting design, visual comfort, daylighting, building energy performance, energy efficient building design, green building sertification systems, building energy performance modelling and simulations. She has national and international publications relevant to her fields of expertise. Currently she is a working as a research assistant Dr Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture.

Research areas


Research Assistant Dr.
Istanbul Technical University
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Taşkışla Campus, Harbiye Taşkışla Street, No:2, 34367 Taksim İstanbul, Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
Email: seneryilmaz@itu.edu.tr
Tel: +902122931300


Evaluation of Daylight Provision and Daylight Glare Probability for Diverse Workspace Configurations
Journal: Journal of Green Building
Published: 2022

Lighting Energy Performance Determination in Office Environments through Implementation of EN 15193-1 for Turkey
Journal: Lighting Research and Technology
Published: 2021

Human factors in retail lighting design: an experimental subjective evaluation for sales areas
Journal: Architectural Science Review
Published: 2018

Proposal of a Façade Design Approach for Daylight Performance Determination in Buildings
Journal: A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
Published: 2016

Energy Efficient Lighting System Retrofit for Retail Environments
Journal: A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
Published: 2016

People-Friendly Lighting Controls – User Performance and Feedback on Different Interfaces
Journal: Lighting Research and Technology
Published: 2016

Lighting Energy Performance Determination for Turkey
Journal: Lighting Research and Technology
Published: 2014