Dr Boon Han Lim

Associate Editor

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Brief Bio

Dr. Lim Boon Han is an Assistant Professor at the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia. He has published more than 15 research articles in high impact journals, and he has 14 Chinese patents. He has engaged in research and engineering work for 15 years where he has gained experiences in Sun Tracking and Sun Trackers, High Concentration Solar Furnaces, Low Concentration PV (LCPV) System, Flat Plate Crystalline PV Module and System, Research on the effect of solar irradiation to the performance of various PV system, High Concentration PV (HCPV), and Concentrated Solar Thermal Power. He has engaged in different solar energy projects. He served as Chief Engineer of the projects: 205kW LCPV Solar Power Plant, 450kW LCPV Solar Power Plant, Spain, 1MW LCPV Solar Power Plant, and 2MW Solar Furnaces Field for Solar Grade Silicon Purification and Chief Technical Officer of the project: 25MW Mono-crystalline Solar Cell Production Line. He is the member of International Solar Energy Society and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Research areas


Assistant Professor
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Sg Long Campus), Kajang, Malaysia
Email: boonhanlim@gmail.com


Development of Silicon Purification by Strong Radiation Catalysis Method
Journal: Chinese Physics B
Published: 2010

Silicon Purification by a New Type of Solar Furnace
Journal: Chinese Physics Letters
Published: 2009

Realization of Tip Tilting By 8-Step Line Tilting
Journal: Communications in Theoretical Physics
Published: 2009

Digitalized Mirror Array and Its Application in Large Telescope: Principle and Case Studies
Journal: Communications in Theoretical Physics
Published: 2009

General Sun Tracking Formula for Heliostats With Arbitrarily Oriented Axes
Journal: Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
Published: 2006

Off-axis aberration correction surface in solar energy application
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2006