Prof Francesco Asdrubali

Associate Editor

University of Perugia

Brief Bio

Prof. Francesco Asdrubali is in Dipartimento di Ingegneria at Roma Tre University. He was the member of the board at Inter-University Centre for Research into Pollution by Physical Agents (CIRIAF), Faculty of Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy. He has published more than 200 research articles in national and international reputed journals. He has served as coordinator of national and international research projects and several Socrates-Erasmus bilateral agreements. He is a consultant for many important public institutions and private companies in the field of energy, environment, and acoustics. He became Member of the Board of the Master in Environmental Acoustics in 2005-2009. He is the member of several national and international scientific associations, such as Italian Acoustics Association (A.I.A), International Solar Energy Society (ISES), International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV).

Research areas


University of Perugia
Via Boncambi 47, Perugia, Italy
Tel: +39-75-5853716


Simulation of Daylighting Conditions in a Virtual Underground City
Journal: Journal of Daylighting
Published: 2015

Energy and environmental performance optimization of a wooden window: A holistic approach
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2014

Evaluation of Green Buildings’ Overall Performance through in Situ Monitoring and Simulations
Journal: Energies
Published: 2013

Influence of cavities geometric and emissivity properties on the overall thermal performance of aluminum frames for windows
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2013

On the Evaluation of Solar Greenhouse Efficiency in Building Simulation during the Heating Period
Journal: Energies
Published: 2013

Towards life cycle sustainability assessment: an implementation to photovoltaic modules
Journal: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Published: 2012

A quantitative methodology to evaluate thermal bridges in buildings
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2012

Theoretical modelling and experimental evaluation of the optical properties of glazing systems with selective films
Journal: Building Simulation
Published: 2009