Prof. Yuehong Su

Associate Editor

University of Nottingham

Brief Bio

Dr. Yuehong Su is a Professor of Thermal Science and Building Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham. He has experience in air conditioning, adsorption/absorption/ejector cooling, energy efficiency, heat storage, daylighting, solar concentration, CFD modelling and building simulation. Dr. Su has worked on a number of projects funded by the EPSRC, EU, UK Government and industry and has published over 60 papers in refereed journals and conferences. He is the supervisor/co-supervisor of several Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers, and the Course Director for MSc Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Su has a current research focus on daylighting and natural ventilation in a close collaboration with UK companies to develop various renewable energy solutions for daylighting and natural ventilation in low/zero emissions buildings. Dr. Su is experienced in experimentation and simulation of daylighting and solar concentration systems.

Research areas


University of Nottingham
Room C16 SRB, University Park, Nottingham, UK
Tel: +44-11-58467872


Experimental study on a hybrid solar photothermic and radiative cooling collector equipped with a rotatable absorber/emitter plate
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2022

Performance evaluation of combined solar chimney and radiative cooling ventilation
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2022

Applications of radiative sky cooling in solar energy systems: Progress, challenges, and prospects
Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Published: 2022

Extending the operation of a solar air collector to night-time by integrating radiative sky cooling: A comparative experimental study
Journal: Energy
Published: 2022

A novel automated louver with parametrically-angled reflective slats; design evaluation for better practicality and daylighting uniformity
Journal: Journal of Building Engineering
Published: 2021

Numerical Validation of a New Approach to Model Single Junction Low Concentration PV Cells under Non-Uniform Illumination
Journal: Energies
Published: 2015

Outdoor overall performance of a novel air-gap-lens-walled compound parabolic concentrator (ALCPC) incorporated with photovoltaic/thermal system
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2015

A novel solar multifunctional PV/T/D system for green building roofs
Journal: Energy Conversion and Management
Published: 2015

A discussion of inner south projection angle for performance analysis of dielectric compound parabolic concentrator
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2015

An Improvement to Calculation of Lighting Energy Requirement in the European Standard EN 15193:2007
Journal: Journal of Daylighting
Published: 2014

A study on use of miniature dielectric compound parabolic concentrator (dCPC) for daylighting control application
Journal: Building and Environment
Published: 2014

Application of RELUX simulation to investigate energy saving potential from daylighting in a new educational building in UK
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2014

Design and investigation of a novel lens-walled compound parabolic concentrator with air gap
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2014

Performance analysis and experimental investigation of a novel trough daylight concentration and axial transmission system
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2014