Prof. Nabil Elminshawy

Associate Editor

Port Said University

Brief Bio

Professor Nabil Elminshawy is in Mechanical Power engineering department at Port-Said University Egypt, after completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds, England. He was the head of department and also the chairman of quality assurance and accreditation center of Port-Said University. He has experience of research and teaching in the field of thermal and renewable energy, solar energy including photovoltaics (floating & land based) and water desalination national and international. Prof. Elminshawy served as full professor in mechanical engineering department at [Suez Canal University, Port-Said University, (EGYPT)], [Qassim University and Islamic University, Madinah (Saudi Arabia)]. In 1998 a recipient of research excellence prize from higher education ministry “Egyptian state prize” of advanced technology and engineering sciences. He also awarded in 2022 “University Appreciation Award”. Through a range of research efforts and large-scale funded projects, Prof. Elminshawy has gathered experience in renewable energy diverse systems, and solar energy driven water desalination, in addition to intensifying work in solar systems including conventional and floating photovoltaic systems productivity improvements and multigeneration renewable co-products including nanotechnology and geothermal energy. To date, all these works have been published in many papers in highly ranked ISI journals (Q1). Prof. Nabil Elminshawy is a reviewer for several international journals in energy, applied thermal engineering, international journal of energy research, desalination and water treatment, …ect and has a clear records in publons web of science. Furthermore, Prof. Nabil Elminshawy is presently the principal investigator (PI) of a funded project in collaboration with the Department of Naval Architecture, Marine and Ocean Engineering (NAOME), Glasgow, Strathclyde University, UK, funded by international "Newton Fund Institutional Links" (UK).

Research areas


Port Said University
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Port Said Faculty of Engineering, Port Fouad, Port Said Governorate, Port Said, Egypt
Tel: +201001593131


Assessment of floating photovoltaic productivity with fins-assisted passive cooling
Journal: Applied Energy
Published: 2022

Experimental performance analysis of enhanced concentrated photovoltaic utilizing various mass flow rates of Al2O3-nanofluid: Energy, exergy, and exergoeconomic study
Journal: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Published: 2022

Thermal regulation of partially floating photovoltaics for enhanced electricity production: A modeling and experimental analysis
Journal: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Published: 2022

Performance and potential of a novel floating photovoltaic system in Egyptian climate on calm water surface
Journal: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Published: 2022

Thermo-electrical performance assessment of a partially submerged floating photovoltaic system
Journal: Energy
Published: 2022

Peridynamic Modelling of Propagation of Cracks in Photovoltaic Panels
Journal: Procedia Structural Integrity
Published: 2022

Simulation and experimental performance analysis of partially floating PV system in windy conditions
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2021

Performance enhancement of concentrator photovoltaic systems using nanofluids
Journal: International Journal of Energy Research
Published: 2020

A novel concentrated photovoltaic-driven membrane distillation hybrid system for the simultaneous production of electricity and potable water
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2020

Experimental investigation of a V-trough PV concentrator integrated with a buried water heat exchanger cooling system
Journal: Solar Energy
Published: 2019