Dr Paola Sansoni

Associate Editor


Brief Bio

Dr. Paola Sansoni graduated in physics in 1992 at the Florence University, where she received a PhD in 1994 from the Graduate School in Optics. For 6 years she worked in remote sensing research, with scattering simulations and lidar measurements. Since 1993 she works in the development of optoelectronic systems for quality control in industry, for environmental monitoring and for applications in the field of cultural heritage preservation. Her current work as National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-INO) researcher is addressed to industrial and environmental applications of optoelectronics, to Photometry and Lighting, to the research on alternative energies and, in particular, to the exploitation of solar energy. Within this research line she is responsible of projects to develop solar collectors for energetic, thermal or photovoltaic applications and for their use in lighting technique and cultural heritage field.

Research areas


L.go Enrico Fermi 6, Firenze, Italy
Email: paola.sansoni@ino.it
Tel: +39-055-23081


Mirrors array for a solar furnace: Optical analysis and simulation results
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2014

Solar Divergence Collimators for Optical Characterisation of Solar Components
Journal: International Journal of Photoenergy
Published: 2013

New Strategies and Simulation Tools to Optically Design a Field of Heliostats
Journal: International Journal of Photoenergy
Published: 2013

Spectrally selective ultra-high temperature ceramic absorbers for high-temperature solar plants
Journal: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Published: 2012

Simple Methods to Approximate CPC Shape to Preserve Collection Efficiency
Journal: International Journal of Photoenergy
Published: 2012

Evaluation of Surface Slope Irregularity in Linear Parabolic Solar Collectors
Journal: International Journal of Green Energy
Published: 2012

Optical collection efficiency and orientation of a solar trough medium-power plant installed in Italy
Journal: Renewable Energy
Published: 2011