Dr Umberto Berardi

Associate Editor

Ryerson University

Brief Bio

Dr. Berardi is an Associate Professor at Ryerson University, in Toronto (Ontario, Canada). His main research interests and contributions are related to the study of building systems that incorporate new materials for improved performance. In the first years of his career, Dr. Berardi often worked on natural materials for acoustic applications and on sustainable design through natural materials. Recently, he has been focusing on integrating innovative materials, or nanotechnologies into building systems, such as organic PCMs and granular and monolithic aerogel. Dr. Berardi has an extensive publication record for his career stage, including over 60 peer-reviewed journals, 60 international conference papers, and three books. Notable highlights include 3 articles in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2 in Applied Energy; 1 in Journal of Cleaner Production; 1 in Business Strategy and the Environment; 3 in Building and Environment; 1 in Resource Conservation and Recycling; 1 in Energy Policy; and 7 in Energy and Buildings. In terms of research outcome recognition, Dr. Berardi’s publications have received over 1700 citations in Google Scholar, where he has an h-index of 22, while Scopus database already counts over 1000 citations and an h-index of 18. Dr. Berardi is the Chair of IAQVEC 2019. Moreover, he was the International Committee Chair of the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction - ICSDEC 2016 - in Tempe-Arizona, and the Technical Program and Leadership Committee co-Chair of ICSDEC 2015 in Chicago. He has been a member of the scientific committee of over 20 international congresses held in 15 countries and has often organized and chaired special sessions. Dr. Berardi is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Canadian Acoustics, associate editor of the Journal of Dylighting and of Intelligent Building International. Dr. Berardi has a body of funded research comprising over $1.5M in government and private sector sponsored research. In the last two years, he has been awarded a CFI-JELF; NSERC Discovery Grant; Early Research Award from the MRI - Ontario; Building Excellence Research and Education Grants from the BC Housing - Homeowner Protection Office; OCE-VIP projects; a Ryerson University Innovation Equipment grant; Ryerson Dean’s Research Fund for Tools and for Undergraduate Research Experience and several NSERC Engages.

Research areas


Associate Professor
Ryerson University
victoria, Toronto, canada
Email: umberto.berardi@poliba.it
Tel: 416 979 5000 (3263)


The benefits of light shelves over the daylight illuminance in office buildings in Toronto
Journal: Indoor and Built Environment
Published: 2017

The Acoustics of the Double Elliptical Vault of the Royal Palace of Caserta (Italy)
Journal: Buildings
Published: 2017

Water-to-air-heat exchanger and indirect evaporative cooling in buildings with green roofs
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2017

The impact of the temperature dependent thermal conductivity of insulating materials on the effective building envelope performance
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2017

A cross-country comparison of the building energy consumptions and their trends
Journal: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Published: 2017

Comparing the effects of urban heat island mitigation strategies for Toronto, Canada
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2016

The outdoor microclimate benefits and energy saving resulting from green roofs retrofits
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Published: 2016