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Solarlits Call for papers

Journal of Daylighting call for papers

To submit a manuscript, please prepare the manuscript according to the journal guidelines and use the Online Submission System. Papers will be peer‐reviewed in accordance with the journal's established policies and procedures.

View the list of issues that have already been published in the Journal of Daylighting.

Call for papers

Topics of interest will include but are not limited to the following:


Dr. Irfan Ullah

Dr. Irfan Ullah, Editor-in-Chief

University of Management and Technology

Email: irfan@solarlits.com

Research interests: lighting, daylighting, Concentrator photovoltaic, solar energy application


Dr. Yuehong Su

Dr. Yuehong Su, Associate Editor

University of Nottingham, UK

Email: yuehong.su@nottingham.ac.uk

Research interests: solar concentrators (Compound Parabolic Concentrator), photovoltaic systems, daylighting Simulation (PHOTOPIA and EnergyPlus), advanced air conditioning

Solar energy applications

Prof. Hongfei Zheng

Prof. Hongfei Zheng, Associate Editor

Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Email: hongfeizh@bit.edu.cn

Research interests: solar concentrators, daylighting systems (optical fiber), light guiding modules, solar energy applications (hot water, desalination, and air conditioning), sustainable energy


Dr. Paola Sansoni

Dr. Paola Sansoni, Associate Editor

National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-INO), Italy

Email: paola.sansoni@ino.it

Research interests: solar concentrators for CPV and CSP systems, solar tracking modules, solar simulators and field test of optical devices, energy and environment, photometry and lighting

Thermal comfort

Prof. Francesco Asdrubali

Prof. Francesco Asdrubali, Associate Editor

University of Perugia, Italy

Email: francesco.asdrubali@unipg.it

Research interests: lighting design, thermal comfort and energy efficient buildings, environmental and building acoustics, sustainable development and renewable energy systems, environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions of energy systems

Building physics

Prof. Laura Bellia

Prof. Laura Bellia, Associate Editor

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Email: laura.bellia@unina.it

Research interests: environmental controls, effect of light on humans in presence of light sources, luminance maps analysis and luminance-brightness relationships, energy savings in heating and air conditioning of buildings as evaporative cooling techniques, building physics and lighting design

Solar tracking

Dr. Lim Boon Han

Dr. Lim Boon Han, Associate Editor

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Email: limbhan@utar.edu.my

Research interests: sun tracking and sun trackers (heliostats), solar power plants, concentrated PV systems, non-imaging solar concentrators for solar thermal power systems, high concentration solar furnaces

Building energy modeling

Dr. Susana Lagüela López

Dr. Susana Lagüela López, Associate Editor

University of Vigo, Spain

Email: susiminas@uvigo.es

Research interests: 3D modeling, building energy efficiency, daylighting and lighting analysis, quantitative thermography for the characterization of building materials, combination of thermography with geometry for the evaluation of energy efficiency in buildings

Sustainable building

Dr. Valerio Roberto Maria Lo Verso

Dr. Valerio Roberto Maria Lo Verso, Associate Editor

Politecnico di Torino (Polytechnic University of Turin), Italy

Email: valerio.loverso@polito.it

Research interests: energy efficiency and sustainable building design, building energy modeling and simulation, new metrics for daylighting design, integration between daylighting and electric lighting (also for retrofitting purposes), indoor environmental comfort

Renewable Energy Sources

Dr. Canan Kandilli

Dr. Canan Kandilli, Associate Editor

Usak University, Turkey

Email: canan.kandilli@usak.edu.tr

Research interests: Energy Technologies, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency, Solar Energy

Building-integrated photovoltaics

Dr. Guiqiang Li

Dr. Guiqiang Li, Associate Editor

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Email: ligq@mail.ustc.edu.cn

Research interests: Solar concentrators, Solar PV/Thermal, Solar BIPV/T, Concentrating solar thermal power, Solar heat pump

Energy Efficiency

Dr. Umberto Berardi

Dr. Umberto Berardi, Associate Editor

Ryerson University, Canada

Email: uberardi@ryerson.ca

Research interests: Energy efficiency, New materials, Acoustics, Lighting, Sustainability

Light and Environment

Prof. Alexander Rosemann

Prof. Alexander Rosemann, Associate Editor

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands

Email: a.l.p.rosemann@tue.nl

Research interests: energy efficiency, lighting, light and environment, light and health, daylighting, lighting energy-saving in buildings

Thermal comfort

Dr. Ferdinando Salata

Dr. Ferdinando Salata, Associate Editor

University of Rome, Italy

Email: ferdinando.salata@uniroma1.it

Research interests: Lighting systems, thermal comfort, Energy optimization of lighting systems


Prof. Antonio Manuel Peña García

Prof. Antonio Manuel Peña García, Associate Editor

University of Granada, Spain

Email: pgarcia@ugr.es

Research interests: Lighting, Daylighting in road tunnels, Impact of lighting on people's safety and well-being

Building Physics

Dr Fabio Peron

Dr Fabio Peron, Associate Editor

IUAV University of Venice, Italy

Email: fperon@iuav.it

Research interests: Building physics, Lighting, Comfort and environmental quality

Energy Saving

Dr Lambros T. Doulos

Dr Lambros T. Doulos, Associate Editor

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Email: ldoulos@mail.ntua.gr

Research interests: lighting, lighting controls, energy saving

Solar Concentrators

Dr Arsenio Barbón

Dr Arsenio Barbón, Associate Editor

University of Oviedo, Spain

Email: barbon@uniovi.es

Research interests: Small-scale linear Fresnel reflectors, Photovoltaic systems, Daylighting systems

Renewable Energy

Prof. Önder Güler

Prof. Önder Güler, Associate Editor

Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye

Email: onder.guler@itu.edu.tr

Research interests: Lighting, Renewable energy, electrical energy quality

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Dr. Lim Yaik Wah

Dr. Lim Yaik Wah, Editorial Board Member

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Email: lywah@utm.my

Research interests: daylighting simulation, indoor environment quality, sustainable architecture, building sustainability performance studies and Simulation, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and architectural computing

Daylighting performance

Dr. Ahmed A. Y. Freewan

Dr. Ahmed A. Y. Freewan, Editorial Board Member

Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Email: ahmedfreewan@hotmail.com

Research interests: daylighting, photovoltaic, renewable energy and climate change, computer simulation for building energy performance, health, Safety and Environment

Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC)

Dr. Hui Shen

Dr. Hui Shen, Editorial Board Member

Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA

Email: Hui.Shen@tamuk.edu

Research interests: energy efficiency and sustainable building design, building energy modeling and simulation, integration of green and renewable technologies, indoor environment and comfort, design and control of thermal systems (HVAC)

Lighting simulation

Dr. Rizki A. Mangkuto

Dr. Rizki A. Mangkuto, Editorial Board Member

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Email: r.a.mangkuto@tue.nl

Research interests: daylighting and artificial lighting, computer modelling and simulation of artificial lighting and daylighting, measurement and evaluation of indoor and outdoor lighting condition, building physics, energy saving in buildings

Sustainable architecture

Dr. Petar Pejić

Dr. Petar Pejić, Editorial Board Member

University of Niš, Serbia

Email: petarpejic@i.ua

Research interests: shadows impact, daylighting laws and regulations, computer simulation for building energy performance, building energy modeling and simulation, sustainable Architecture

Lighting systems

Dr. Mohammed Salah Mayhoub

Dr. Mohammed Salah Mayhoub, Editorial Board Member

Al-Azhar University, Egypt

Email: msmayhoub@hotmail.com

Research interests: daylighting systems, hybrid lighting systems, architectural lighting, sustainable architecture, energy efficiency in Buildings

Daylighting systems

Dr. Karam Mustafa Al-Obaidi

Dr. Karam Mustafa Al-Obaidi, Editorial Board Member

University of Malaya, Malaysia

Email: karam_arc@yahoo.com

Research interests: daylighting systems, building technology and materials, building energy modeling and simulation, sustainable design and bioclimatic architecture, energy efficiency

Building energy performance

Dr. jian yao

Dr. jian yao, Editorial Board Member

Ningbo University, China

Email: yaojian@nbu.edu.cn

Research interests: solar shading, devices, daylighting, occupants’ behavior, building energy optimization, indoor thermal environment

Buildings thermal analysis

Prof. Jitka Mohelnikova

Prof. Jitka Mohelnikova, Editorial Board Member

Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Email: mohelnikova.j@fce.vutbr.cz

Research interests: daylighting and solar radiation, light pipes, window and facade glazings, building envelopes, thermal protection of buildings

Solar energy storage

Dr. Vineet Veer Tyagi

Dr. Vineet Veer Tyagi, Editorial Board Member

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, India

Email: vtyagi16@gmail.com

Research interests: energy & exergy analysis, solar thermal, solar collectors, solar thermal energy storage, photovoltaic

Building integrated PV

Dr. Hui Lv

Dr. Hui Lv, Editorial Board Member

Hubei University of Technology, China

Email: lvh@aovenergy.com

Research interests: daylighting, building integrated PV, concentrator photovoltaics, semiconductor material, optoelectronic device

Thermal and visual comfort

Dr. Vincenzo Costanzo

Dr. Vincenzo Costanzo, Editorial Board Member

University of Reading, UK

Email: costanzo.vincenzo@gmail.com

Research interests: Building physics, Thermal comfort, Daylighting, Building simulation, Passive design